Tag: On The Source

Bio-Shield Door Shielding

Limerick Generating Station was in need of custom shielding for their bio-shield doors. Even though shielding was already installed, there was still a gap that continued to be a source of dose. NPO worked closely with ALARA Specialist, Joe Bruno, at Limerick to design a 4-piece magnetic set of custom lead blankets. Each piece had […]

Lower Dry Cask Barrel Shield

Some NPP’s process Dry Casks in a such a way that the entire cask produces a general area dose concern. To reduce these dose rates NPO developed a shield package that sits on the floor and shields the cask to a height of 9 feet (2.74 m). NPO is currently under contract to provide shield […]

New Cono Seals Shielding

NPO’s new Cono Seals shield package exemplifies another unique and ideal application for T–Flex®. The Cono Seals are a significant dose contributor during reactor head disassembly and, most recently, reactor head cavitation peening in PWR’s. NPO used Tungsten T–Flex to achieve a HVL (half value layer) of shielding from Co–60. Simple Velcro straps are used […]