Tag: On The Source

Radiography Shielding

Radiography is a non-destructive testing (NDT) technique that uses a radioactive source to detect flaws or defects in the internal structures, typically pipes. This testing process requires an “exclusion zone” to keep workers safe, and the use of shielding shrinks that exclusion zone and improves safety and efficiency. NPO T-Flex Bismuth blankets are large and […]

Custom Fit Meter Shielding

Some shielding applications require a precise fit in order to shield effectively. The meter of this instrument was a streaming source for the workers operating it. To fit the area, NPO used drawings of the steel housing and designed T-Flex Tungsten shielding that fit snuggly around the meter. 3D printed molds were used to create […]

Brunswick Permanent Valve Shield Box

Brunswick Nuclear Station had a valve that was causing a room to be a locked high radiation area. They wished to implement a permanent shielding package in order to down post the room. The valve was set to be removed during an upcoming outage. The Radiation Protection team reached out to NPO for a solution. […]

Primary Sample Panel Shielding

South Texas Project had long used lead wool blankets to shield their Primary Sample Panel, an area of the site within Chemistry that sees a lot of traffic. These lead wool blankets were affixed to the Primary Sample Panel via independent high strength magnets that attached to the grommets. With the blankets turned on their […]

Pressurizer Spray Line Shielding

  South Texas Project required new shielding for a section of the pressurizer spray line. Though the area looks small, the total shield weight was around 850 lb (386 kg). This was due to the 6.5″ (165 mm) diameter of the pipe and the 1.5″ (38 mm) thick shielding pieces. But despite the size and […]

Heat Exchanger Shielding – Permanent Installation

As part of a long-term dose reduction plan, Ameren Callaway sought to install permanent shielding around one of their regen heat exchangers. The intention was to replace the dozens of lead wool blankets used as temporary shielding, and more importantly, eliminate the time and dose costs associated with installing and uninstalling the temporary shielding package. Working […]

Permanent Pipe Shielding for Davis-Besse

NPO was brought on to provide shielding for Mechanical Penetrations Room No. 1 at Davis-Besse. This room featured a variety of pipe runs with many valves, bends, and reductions throughout as well as many hot spots. Using a combination of drawing information and practical measurements taken on site, NPO provided a shielding package using T-Flex […]

Magnetic ARGOS Booth Shielding

Byron had an issue with an ARGOS Zeus unit in the main exit area of the RCA. Background gamma radiation from a line in the overhead was shining down and causing false alarms on the gamma detectors to the point of making the unit inoperable. Due to the position of the Argos unit it was […]

Shielded Filter Casks

NPO worked closely with AVANTech in designing a set of three shielded casks that reduced dose from 26,000-30,000 mRem/hr (260,000-300,000 μSv/hr) to less than 60 mRem/hr (600 μSv/hr) on contact. Two casks were utilized with one as a spare. Each shielded cask housed one of their Solids Collection Filter canisters for torus water/sludge filtration at […]

Dry Cask Shielding Package

In 2019, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, purchased an array of shielding from NPO for their spent fuel storage campaign. This package included a transfer cask shield bell, canister shield ring, and annulus gap shielding. All of these items contributed to greatly reduced dose rates for both gamma and neutron radiation. Shield bells are a single-pick […]