Tag: Non-Lead

Browns Ferry 360-Inspection Platform

Browns Ferry needed durable and effective floor shielding for the trough of their 360 cavity inspection platform. Like with most floor shielding applications, T-Flex® Bismuth was chosen because of its great attenuation properties relative to its cost. On top of the Bismuth shielding was a yellow slip-resistant tread surface to ensure workers would be able […]

Vogtle Reactor Head Shielding

In 2021, Vogtle reached out to NPO to help develop a new shielding package for around the reactor head. Their current system consisted of two rings: one under the head, and one around the outside of the head. Each of these shield rings used 1’ x 6’ (305 mm x 1829 mm) 60 lb (27.2 […]

Brunswick Permanent Valve Shield Box

Brunswick Nuclear Station had a valve that was causing a room to be a locked high radiation area. They wished to implement a permanent shielding package in order to down post the room. The valve was set to be removed during an upcoming outage. The Radiation Protection team reached out to NPO for a solution. […]

T-Flex Blankets

How many lead wool blankets does your site deploy every outage? Despite best efforts, do your lead blankets look sloppy while draped over pipes and hot spots or seem mashed and bent around corners and tight spaces? How long have they been there?  How are they handling the use and abuse? Lead wool blankets, while […]

T-Flex Pipe and Valve Shields

T-Flex is the most versatile shielding material that NPO has to offer. Its ability to be poured as a liquid and cured as a flexible solid makes it ideal for fitting the maximum amount of shielding around a component while keeping space and weight to a minimum. The most common way this is put into […]

Braidwood Dry Cask Annulus Gap Snakes

Exelon Braidwood Station recently saw very good dose reduction with their dry cask campaigns by utilizing NPO T-Flex® Annulus Gap Shielding. This was designed to fit in the annulus gap between the canister and transfer cask and had a fire blanket covering specified by Braidwood. The annulus gap shielding, in addition to more NPO dry […]