NPO and Eichrom teamed up to launch a Rad Shipping System product for the radiopharmaceutical industry. We worked closely with PET shipping experts to develop something that meets this industry’s unique needs. Our emphasis was on durability, optimized shielding, hygienic, minimized footprint, ergonomic, and smooth operation. Today our systems are used throughout the US.
10-30 mL Vial Type A Shipping System is a DOT/IATA/IAEA compliant Shipping System for one 10-30mL vial. Calculated within Yellow II limits containing 1,800 mCi (66.6 GBq) of 18F (FDG). Small footprint, 8.5 in. X 10 in. X 12.25 in. tall. No exposed lead. Reusable Yellow II/Empty shipping label. Heavy duty hardware.